
Below, you can find all publications released under the REWEU project. Analyses from all involved countries, policy papers, and more to come. 


From Enthusiasm to Realism: Czech Narratives on EU Accession

“As the Czech Republic marks two decades as an EU member state, the lessons of its accession path remain highly relevant today.” Read the analysis by Jana Faktor Juzová, a Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and coordinator of the REWEU project, and Jaroslav Svoboda, a research intern at EUROPEUM Institute.

Belgium’s Take on EU Big Bang Enlargement: More Europeans Means More Europe

“Belgium’s stance embodies the last example of a relentless commitment to deepening integration as a prerequisite for a greater Europe.” Read the analysis by Maria Gargano, a researcher in the European Affairs programme of the Egmont Institute.

Finnish Perspective on the EU’s 2004 Enlargement: The Inevitable Task

“Enlargement was hoped to encourage older member states to conduct structural reforms necessary for economic growth.” Read the analysis by Tyyne Karjalainen, a researcher in the European Union research programme at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

The Evolution of the Greek Narratives on the ’Big Bang Enlargement’ from 2004 Until Today: The Views of the Political Actors and the Media

“In Greece, the public support was among the highest and the most positive among EU member states.” Read the analysis by Panagiotis Paschalidis (PhD, Sorbonne Nouvelle), an adjunct lecturer at the Democritus University of Thrace, and  a researcher in the Hellenic Foundation of European and Foreign Policy in Athens (ELIAMEP).

Persuaded by History but not Yet Ready: Italian Perspectives on the 2004 EU Eastern Enlargement

“When history takes a certain direction, it is very difficult to alter its course, and almost impossible to stop it. The history of the EU’s eastern enlargement is no exception to this simple observation.” Read the analysis by Lorenzo Vai, an associate fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, and a lecturer in History of European Integration at the University of Turin.

A New Way Forward: Latvia’s Accession to the European Union

“Latvia’s path to EU membership was characterized by the necessity of alignment with Western Europe. This was also a narrative that affirmed the belief of many Latvians that it was necessary to distance Latvia from its Soviet legacy and embrace a modern European identity.” Read the analysis by Marts Ivaskis, a researcher at the Latvian Institute of International affairs

Reuniting with Europe: Poland’s EU Path

“The pro-integration rhetoric of the political elite found its support in liberal and left-wing media.” Read the analysis by Iwona Reichardt, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief for New Eastern Europe and vmember of the management board of the College of Eastern Europe, and Irina Tkeshelashvili, a fellow with the College of Eastern Europe and a fellow of Aspen Institute of Romania and International Parliamentary Program of Polish Sejm.



How can the EU enlargement process regain its lost momentum? And how can we learn from previous rounds of enlargement? These questions are answered by Jelena Džankić, Matteo Bonomi, Jana Juzová and Bojana Zorić in a new publication within the REWEU project.

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